Mark Ryan

Mark Ryan is a conceptual artist based in Sydney Australia. He is currently a PhD candidate in Fine Art at the University of Newcastle on Vice-Chancellor’s scholarship and also holds a master’s degree in Fine Art from the Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan. Ryan has held numerous solo and group exhibitions in Australia and Japan.

These abstract landscapes from his ‘Possession’ series have a overhead perspective to revealing a palimpsest of uses, functions and ownership of their locations. They have been informed by satellite images, geographical maps, both modern and ancient and rendered in the raw materials from the locations (clays oxides and pigments) or found architectural components used on the landscape (plywood, reflective tape and bitumen). The works continues his investigations of power, property and impermanent ownership: ’What was yours, is now mine’ and vice versa. Furthermore, what was once no-one’s can become anyone’s. And how all rights can be obliterated by new laws, aggression, obsolesce or the passage of time.