Celia Dymond

Celia Dymond is a professional creative who has studied in photography and graphic design. All images are in camera. There is no use of any digital manipulation post production. Celia’s work is a statement around the immediacy of the impact of the social and digitisation. Her  work is slow. Images can take over 25yrs to manifest. Working with expired film stocks, there is nothing fast about the photographic process. She works with a range of cameras and 120 medium format film, recently exploring low tech pinhole cameras, allowing chance and risk to influence the end product by using methods which are unconventional.  There is no digitisation or computer manipulation with my work practice. My only intent is to make a beautiful image from a flawed and faulty process.  My series work explores edges where land meets water, movement of waves and clouds.  Celia’s work is held in various collections around Australia.

Catalogue from Celias recent exhibition